#9: We’ve Been Busy

Welcome back! It's been a while since we've dropped a podcast episode, but we hope the wait was worth it. We've got a production team and the sound is soooo much better! We hope you feel like you're really a part of the conversation when you listen. 

In this episode, we are recapping our major projects from 2021: the BRAVE study with the University of Washington; the Good Down There colorectal campaign in partnership with Cottonelle; speaking engagements with CVS Health and the State of Black America Conference; and our first BLKHLTH Conversations in South Africa! 

Then we chop it up with one another about how we're dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic and our individual experiences with systemic failures, from being a student on a campus that quickly went back to in-person learning to having COVID and experiencing longer term effects on one's health. 

Listen, comment, rate us, and subscribe! Let us know if there are some topics you want us to cover in future episodes. We will drop one episode per month this year. And of course you can keep up with all the other things we are doing by following us on social media @blkhlth.


#10: Black Health History


#8: A Conversation with Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence