#10: Black Health History

Hey y'all! In this episode we're celebrating the end of Black History Month with some Black health history stories. We're giving you the scoop on Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett, the Black woman behind Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine; Harriet Tubman's work in healthcare after freeing enslaved people; Dr. Rachel Hardeman, Dr. Elle Lett, and Dr. Lisa Bowleg, scholars in Black health equity; and Mercie's great-grandpa, Robert McCants Harris, Sr - the first black male nurse at Grady Memorial Hospital!

Please listen, comment, rate us, and subscribe! Let us know if there are some topics you want us to cover in future episodes. We will drop one episode per month this year. And of course you can keep up with all the other things we are doing by following us on social media @blkhlth.


#11: Joe Said We’re Broke


#9: We’ve Been Busy